A place to unwind.

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Igor Gojanovic graduated from Lausanne School of Economics in Switzerland  in 1992. After Graduation, he chose to play Basketball professionally in Europe for 12 years. In 1995, Igor earned his MBA from the Business School of Bocconi in Milano, Italy. He speaks six languages and has over 20 years of experience as President and CEO of various marketing  and media companies. From 1996 to 2004, he worked for the International Olympic Movement and ran hospitality programs for 5 Olympic Games. Igor is a father of a promising Tennis player and currently lives between Bali in Indonesia and Rome. One of Igor’s passions in life is traveling the world, and Bali happens to be his all-time favorite destination. The kind-hearted Balinese people and the beauty of the beaches have drawn him there for the last 16 years. About 14 years ago, he launched a furniture design Studio and set up its own furniture factory. Balifornia Design came to fruition from his love for the islands and Igor decided to bring the unique and divine furniture crafted in Bali and its surroundings to the States.

Michael Duchosal holds a master’s degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry from Lausanne University and has studied with various prestigious Institutions like Florida state, Stanford or Columbia University. Michael speaks five languages and over the years, as business executive, has been heavily involved in global projects within emerging and mature markets like: Europe, China, Korea, Thailand, India, Egypt, Brazil and United States. After having spent years in Paris, France, then in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he is now living in the beautiful San Francisco bay area. Passionate about Music (he plays cello), literature, and art in general, Michael is very happy to join his old-time friend Igor in this new adventure which bridges Bali and the new world!